We just finished Little Brother’s Tic-Tac-Toe valentines this morning…just in time for him to take them to school this afternoon. Talk about last-minute! He is excited to hand out these valentines to friends…and was especially thankful that they weren’t “girly” (shhhhhh…..he doesn’t know XOXO means “hugs and kisses”…it will be our little secret). 😉
This is another fun Non-Candy valentine that is great to hand out to neighbors, school friends, church friends, and more! I ordered the Tic-Tac-Toe party favors from Amazon, but you can probably find them at Party City or even Walmart as well.
Download our printable XOXO Valentine here.
Here’s what you’ll need:
Double-Stick Tape
All you have to do is print out the printable on cardstock, have your child write his/her name, and use double-stick tape to stick the Tic-Tac-Toe game to the card!
The tic-tac-toe boards fit best at an angle…just make sure your child is able to write his/her name pretty small on the line so it doesn’t get cut off by the board.
Check out more fun non-candy valentines here:
What valentines will your child be handing out this year?
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